Monday, August 19, 2013

Sri Lanka

World heritage of

 Sri Lanka

Thuparamaya Temple

This is the first stupa to be built in the country after the introduction of Buddhism to 
 Sri Lanka. Built in the time of king Devamnampiyatissa (250BC – 210BC) t
his was a stupa as well as an Aramic complex (monastery). Today ruins of this complex covers nearly 3 ½ acres. The stupa was built on the instructions of Mahinda Thero who brought Buddhism to the island to enshrine the right collar bone of Lord Buddha.

On this stupa you can see a unique architectural feature called vatadagê, a stupa-house. This building completely housed the stupa. At present four concentric circles of stone pillars are found around the stupa. They diminish in height from inner most circle and at one time carried the weight of a dome shaped roof over the stupa. There has been 176 pillars which supported this stupa house and in 1896, 31 complete pillars with capitals has been standing. This vatadagê has been built in the 1st centaury AC.

In the seventh century BC the stupa was covered with a gold and silver casing and the vatadagê (stupa-house) with golden bricks and golden doors. Then Pandyans (south Indian Tamil) plundered the stupa of its all gold, jewels and treasures.

Again Mahinda IV (956-972) re installed the golden casings and the golden doors but again in the late 10th centaury Colas (south Indian Tamil) completely plundered the complex of its valuables.

On the left to the stupa you can see the conserved remains of an Image house belonging to this stupa complex.The renovation of the present stupa was completed in 1862 which as completely changed the ancient features of this most ancient stupa.On the north-western side of the stupa you can see the Basawakkulama tank. This is the most ancient monument in Apura. This was built by king Pandukabhaya in the 4th century BC.

Sri Maha Bodhi

                       The Sri Maha Bodhi, the sacred bodhi tree, is central to Anuradhapura in both a spiritual and physical sense. The huge tree has grown from a cutting brought from Bodhgaya in India by the Princess Sangamitta, sister of Mahinda (who introduced the Buddha's teachings to Sri Lanka), so it has a connection to the very basis of the Sinhalese religion.
                   This sacred tree serves as a reminder of the force that inspired the creation of all the great buildings at Anuradhapura, and is within walking distance of many of the most interesting monuments. The whole area around the Sri Maha Bodhi, the Brazen Palace and Ruvanvelisaya Dagoba was once probably part of the Maha Vihara (Great Temple).
                              The sacred bodhi tree is the oldest historically authenticated tree in the world, for it has been tended by an uninterrupted succession of guardians for over 2000 years, even during the periods of Indian occupation. There are not one but many bodhi trees here; the oldest and holiest stands on the topmost platform. The steps leading up to the tree's platform are very old, but the golden railing around it is quite modern. The railing and other structures around the trees are festooned with prayer flags. Thousands of devotees come to make offerings at weekends and particularly on poya (full-moon) days. April is a particularly busy month as pilgrims converge on the site for snana puja (offerings or prayers). You must remove your shoes and your hat before entering this site.
 Ruwanweli Saya

Ruwanweli Saya Dagoba is the holiest place that ranks with Sri Maha Hohi in Anuradhapura. They see the big dagoba painted in white from a distance as the landmark of Anuradhapra.
          It was 110 meters high in the second century B.C when it was completed, but it has become smaller due to the transition and ruin afterwards. Now, it is55 meters high and 80 meters in diameter. The stupa with the bowl form that copied water bubble was set up on the platform of three steps that heaped up the stones and the bricks. The main body of the stupa was also constructed by laying up bricks. The legend says that, in order to prevent the subsidence, the elephants treaded the base of 5 meters deeps that was made from crushed Lyme stone and clay. Other legend says that, before laying up the bricks, the chest shape's room made from the vivid color stones was put inside the stupa and the bohdi tree of jewel and the golden Buddha image were installed there.
                        In India, a cube in the upper part was mainly used as a place for keeping Buddha's ashes, and the steeple on the cube that originally had the shape of the umbrella was a variation of symbol of nobility. Moreover, there is a theory that the object like the building facade that stands on the edge of Stupa is the oldest sculpture in Sri Lanka.
                                  At the sunset time, in the precincts of Ruwanweli Saya Dagoba, I heard Piritha as the statement of a Sri Lankan Buddhism. It was not a live performance but transmitted from speaker. The sound by recitation and percussion instrument echoed through the sky growing dark. The monotonous and slow rhythm made the auditory sense faint, and the scenery that the white wall rising high before my eyes dimmed the brightness also made the sense of sight faint. I sat down there between about 1 hour. As I left me with the situation, my consciousness was also dimming. Its state was as if I had reached at the entrance of a kind of religious experiences or I had slipped to ancient time. When the sky grew dark entirely, Pritha finished and the dagaba was lighted up. The comfortable and usual evening returned.

Is situated between Ruvanweliseya and Sri Mahabodiya. In ancient times the building included the refectory and the uposathagara. As the roof was covered with tiles made of bronze, this was known as the Brazen Palace or Lohaprasadaya. There are 40 rows, each row consists of 40 stone pillars and a total of 1600 stone pillars were used for the building. The building was completely destroyed during the reign of King Saddhatissa.

In 150 BC, Great King Dutugemunu built this beautiful nine-storey building as the monk’s residence for the Mahaviharaya Buddhist University.

Each floor had apartments. First floor was for the student monks. Second floor was for the monks who knew Tripitakaya. 3rd, 4th and 5th floors were for the monks who had achieved Sovan, Sakurdagami and An Amiga states. Top four floors were for the monks who had reached the state of Arahath.

Altogether Lova Maha Paya accommodated over 3000 monks at any given time.

British archaeologists were puzzled as to why such a beautiful palace was built for the students engaged in religious activities. It was the Sinhalese way to build some of the most beautiful buildings at religious places. It was intended as an attraction to the would-be-monks. Sinhalese made sure that those who remain in the monk hood were the ones who  had chosen the path for inner peace, after experiencing the ultimate luxuries of life. The student monks would realize the impermanence of things when surrounded by the ultimate beauty and luxuries. This helped those who wanted the luxuries of life to leave the monk hood and live a material life.

Sri Lankan architectural tradition is well displayed at Sigiriya, the best preserved city centre in Asia from the first millennium, with its combination of buildings and gardens with their trees, pathways, water gardens, the fusion of symmetrical and asymmetrical elements, use of varying levels and of axial and radial planning.

The Complex consists of the central rock, rising 200 meters above the surrounding plain, and the two rectangular precincts on the east (90 hectares) and the west (40 hectares), surrounded by two moats and three ramparts.
                  The plan of the city is based on a precise square module. The layout extends outwards from co-ordinates at the centre of the palace complex at the summit, with the eastern
and western axis directly aligned to it. The water garden, moats and ramparts are based on an 'echo plan' duplicating the layout and design on either side. This city still displays its skeletal layout and its significant features. 3 km from east to west and 1 km from north to south it displays the grandeur and complexity of urban-planning in 5th century Sri Lanka.

Duvili Ella


River Walawe the 3rd largest in the country which starts from the thin water spring of Agra Bopath and Kirigalpoththa mountains creates fascinating and picruresque scenes of nature during its long journey. Duuviliella waterfall is prominent among them. The forest path to the waterfall is at 0.5 kilometers, from Medabedda road which runs to the left of Kalthota town. The root from Kalthota to the spot runs besides the south 

Even this small length display a magnificent natural beauty. “Muguna” trees which tower as giants and about 80 to 100 feet in height shade this root. Besides the Kaltota root. there is a motarable new road, runs via Thanjanthenna. This road, the vehicle park and the resting places closerby are managed by. the town council Balangoda. From there until the immediate vicinity of the water all. cemented steps are created. This foot path runs amidst a forest patch, abundantly consisting with medicinal “Nlli” trees yet another root to the fall is there, amidst the forest, via “Gallaalithota”.

 Horton plains

                 The most famous place of foreigners in Sri Lanka is Horton plains. Horton plains are at Nuwaraeliya, Badulla and Rathnapura districts. There are two main entrances to this plain. Those are Pattipola entrance via Nuwaraeliya and Ambewela or Ohiya entrance via Welimada or Bandarawela. Large Savannah plains, Waterfalls, High pure water, Forests and several natural and high eco diversity areas are available to visit at Horton Plains. Horton Plains is controlled by Wild life department of Sri Lanka. Hoton plains are invented by Mr. Horton who was animal hunter in British governing period. Earlier this place is identified as ‘Maha Eliya’. Eliya means Plains and Maha means Big. In this case real meaning of this name is a Large Plain. This area is high more than 2300m above from sea level.

Visitors can’t access every area of the Plain. Visitors haven't permission to travel every place of Horton plains because some damages to endemic plants, some burns the grass grounds, some troubles to animals or some gets liquor on the plain. These items are prohibited at Horton Plains.                                                                        
A lot of rivers of Sri Lanka are started from Horton plains. Water of this place i s very cold and very pure. Everyday we can see many foreigners come to this place and search animals. Leopard is endemic to this place but search the leopard is very difficult task. Number of endemic flora and fauna are available in this plain. Walikukula (Jungle fowl), Horn lizard are most popular endemic fauna in this area.

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